The entire affair was a piece of chicanery to resolve a dispute and achieve one’s ends by obtaining funds for the growing needs of the Empire. Nanasaheb thereby tried to strike a balance between the two brothers. In reality, it poured more fuel into the fire. There was also a divide between Jayappa Shinde and Malharrao Holkar that the Peshwa felt would be harmful to the Empire. Holkar and Ramchandrababa i.e. Shinde took opposing sides. Due to this, the Maratha prestige was damaged.

On 7 March 1747, the Peshwa wrote to Ramchandrababa, “Ranaji’s emissaries have come here. They are presenting the case of Madho Singh. In it, the main point is, Ishwari Singh had promised to hand over a Jagir worth twenty-four lakhs to Madho Singh. But you hurried to his help and he succeeded. Since the Sardars (Shinde-Holkar) disturbed the administration and negotiations, Madho Singh lost the claim. You convinced Madho Singh to accept region worth three lakh rupees only. But this has been a source of constant concern. Both of them are Sawaiji’s sons. It is not as if Ishwari Singh only should rule, and Madho Singh is incapable and undeserving. If we help place Madho Singh on the throne, they would also help us. However, we are not giving them an opportunity as Ishwari Singh is dear to us. But Ishwari Singh had agreed to hand over the region worth twenty-four lakhs, which he should comply with. Presently, Ranaji’s emissaries are agreeing to hand over the authority of the region worth fifteen lakh rupees. They are saying, ‘Whatever we ought to present to the Swami (Peshwa), we would.’ So, we should convince Ishwari Singh to honour the agreement and hand over the region worth twenty-four lakh rupees. So, do write your considered and final opinion about this matter. In our opinion, Ishwari Singh should hand over the region to Madho Singh as per their agreement. From Madho Singh, we should extract twelve, fourteen or even more lakhs if possible. In this, both parties would fulfil their objectives. Our own ends are also met.”

Upon this, Ramchandrababa informed the Peshwa, “Madho Singh’s political claim is weak, it does not have strength. We will not earn any money in it. People are under the impression that the Swami initially supported Ishwari Singh. This proposal goes against that.”

While in the Newai campaign, the Peshwa noticed the germs of discord between Shinde and Holkar. The next letter from April 1747 displays the Peshwa’s consternation and the real state of affairs, “Ranaji began negotiating with the Mughal Amirs and then submitted the request to Malharji. In this matter, Malharji insisted with us in various ways that, ‘The claim is worthwhile. If both parties act reasonable, the dispute can be resolved. The Swami would earn money.’ This way he has written insistently. Malharba takes special pride in this. It is not as if you (meaning Jayappa by application) hold any specific side’s affection in your heart. You have been serving loyally so far. You have always done whatever the master desired, benefited from or increased his prestige. Only because of that everything went on nicely and the service of the Swami occurred. Presently Malharba has picked up a side. If you pick up Ishwari Singh’s side, you will become an opponent for him. He will live up to his word and stand in opposition. We heard news reports from many people that mutual conflicts between you and Malharrao Holkar have increased. We should not have differences in our own household amongst the Sardars. In a family, there will be such differences. But so far there was no mutual animosity. Everybody had been working with common mindset, and kept working on the plans to maintain the master’s benefit and prestige. Through God’s grace and our forefathers’ virtues, whatever they aimed for, they could accomplish. You yourself have accomplished so many successful objectives. Extraordinary prestige and fame spread everywhere. This might spread everywhere in Hindustan and might harm our work. The unity displayed till today will be disturbed. Great and noble plans will be side-tracked and the British would get a chance to engineer splits amongst ourselves. This is what we feel would happen. Therefore, do not obstinately hold to your position, do not display our internal disagreement, ensure Malharba’s desire is respected, and do what will grow our already achieved success. There should be no wavering from that path. In future also you will execute many things for the Swami. You two are the pillars of this state in all respects. I have no doubt you will do what is right. Both of you have so far taken our advice into consideration and have always planned consensually, you should continue to act accordingly. But there should be absolutely no discord amongst family members. Even before, Malharba has complied with your suggestions, while you have accomplished his intentions. Therefore, the glory has grown. The army that follows one principle, remains unified. There have been no disagreements. Presently, many renowned people are discussing whatever they feel like about the mutual differences amongst the two houses, whether it is in our own kingdom or the imperial realms. It is not like we are happy in the prosperity of one. But through our forefathers’ hard work, our army has been excellent, all the Sardars have been united, brave, capable men, and even if the sky falls down there won’t be any mistake in their valour and courage, so it has been in the past. Everybody praises their manliness and magnanimity. We desire this utmost.

“Presently, Malharba is going to stay back at Indore, and will go to meet Ranaji (of Udaipur). We have heard that you will come to Deccan. So, if he remained back home, and you alone come here, how will this appear to the people? Our enemies discuss about engineering a split amongst our Sardars and wish that their plans succeed after that, that would become possible. Raghuji Bhosale and Babuji Naik met Asafjah at Aurangabad. They are discussing plans to cause problems for us. The Nawab is not capable, but they are just telling him sweet lies, and agreeing with him just to keep him entertained. They say that Rajashree Swami is in debt and they must repay it. For this, they demand money, whatever they wish for. We cannot approve whatever they ask for. Therefore, they speak about utmost discord outside. This too causes people to become happy and they too engage in many discussions about this. Nawab Asafjah is known for his deceit. He makes one person run and sends the other to chase him! You are aware of this very well. Instead, he should be shown some spark to force him to reconcile. Secondly, you ought to think about Rajashree’s debts. We wrote to you often to come and meet us, but so far you have not been able to come. However, in the months of Ashwin and Kartik we shall meet. Let us meet, discuss the future plans, and then execute our plans. In summary, we feel that both of you should come, whatever plans we feel appropriate, internal or external, should be discussed in everybody’s presence. So, convince Malharba appropriately and bring him along. He would give many excuses to avoid coming here. But you should satisfy him in various ways and must bring him along. Once all are together, we will cleanse his polluted heart, the bitterness will disappear, and you and him would behave as before. Meanwhile, we won’t be concerned because through God’s grace you would not think otherwise. Main thing is, there should be no internal differences between our Sardars, and our power should not diminish. Another problem is, Rajashree desires to secure a new loan from us amounting to fifteen to twenty lakh rupees. Since he has not been able to get it, he has grown unhappy. The problems in the senior mansion (elder queen) is always growing. Since we captured Manaji Angre’s fort Manikgad, the erstwhile grace from the junior mansion (younger queen) has also dried up. If such problems and internal dissensions arise, we could still resolve them through God’s grace.

“Reason we have written in detail is, Malharba has obstinately stuck to his position. If we don’t accept it, he will feel sad. He will insist upon leaving you. Therefore, do convince Malharba in all respects, and bring him along for achieving our objectives. The army is sitting at home for two years and new loans had to be raised by ten to fifteen lakhs. It is absolutely necessary that we carry out a campaign this year. That too came about only because Rajashree provided his approval and farewell. We all must meet at one place quickly and then execute our plans. This does not mean that you ought to be told your tasks in writing. You have greyed your hair in all this. In summary, the external people should not witness our domestic disputes. Our internal discord should not become a blocker for the growth of the kingdom. Therefore, request you to ensure the name does not get besmirched due to these rumours of internal discord, and act accordingly. Howsoever that plan comes to fruition, do that quickly, convince Malharba and bring him along. You too are our longest lasting friend. What further detail to write! You clear the suspicions in Malharba’s heart and come quickly along with him. Whatever can be done to resolve this issue, I request you to do and bring them forward for a good cause. Secondly, when it was agreed that Ranaji would give the region of fifteen lakh revenue, then it is not correct to display obstinacy.”

To be continued…

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