When Maharaj was on his way to Bhaganagar, a new task arose. Some of the oppressed people from the Carnatic sought Maharaj’s help. The region between the rivers Tungabhadra and Krishna was under the Bijapur Sultanate’s control. The famous Koppal fort was in this same doab region. It was a well-known fact, that the Koppal outpost was a ‘Doorway to Deccan’. Two very powerful Bijapur sardars were stationed at Koppal. One was named Hussein Khan Miyana while the other was Abdur-rahim Khan Miyana. These two were brothers. Abdur-rahim Khan’s control over the realm was extremely strict and demonic. The subjects were being oppressed under the extreme cruelty of this Pathan. He used to treat his subjects with extreme contempt, especially in terms of religion. He would pounce any given time upon women, children, and livestock. How many of his crimes should one relate? And were any lists maintained while tortures were taking place? The subjects had been harassed to their wits end. But whom should they tell their problems? Who was their saviour, who would run for their help? Nobody. Poor people, they were simply bearing it all silently. They used to constantly hear that, in the Marathi realms, there was a very good king named Shivaji, who had established Ramarajya. But he was far away! They would feel, how would Shivajiraja come to save them from their daily tortures.

But one day, news spread in Koppal province that, the great Shivajiraja was on a campaign to the Carnatic, and some of the courageous subjects decided to relate their misery to Shivajiraja. They would take their complaint and present it in front of the king.

So, these people in a piteous condition came to Maharaj. Abdur-rahim got wind, that these people had gone somewhere with his complaint! Immediately he installed his guard outposts at their homes, and started torturing their family members.

The people of Koppal relayed their pitiful story to Maharaj passionately. They requested him earnestly, ‘Please free us from the clutches of this cruel fellow. Please do something, so that he does no longer trouble us!’

Maharaj listened to their litany of woes and decided that this Pathan must be taught a lesson, and ordered Commander Hambirrao Mohite to attack Pathan with his force (January 1677). Hambirrao was given his own detachment. In it, there were two very young men Nagoji Jedhe and Dhanaji Jadhav. Nagoji Jedhe was Baji Sarjerao Jedhe’s son. Meaning he was Kanhoji Jedhe’s grandson. It is said that qualities in a family repeat after a generation. Accordingly, this Nagoji had become courageous and brave like his grandfather. He was a very fresh, blooming youth. Sarjerao had also accompanied Hambirrao in this force.

Hambirrao started towards Sampagaon with his force. Miyana brothers at Koppal got news that, the Commander-in-Chief of the Marathas is on his way, but without much of his army. He can be beaten easily. Immediately both the brothers got ready. A huge army under Hussein Khan started to crush the oncoming Marathas. Hussein Khan started with it with extreme speed. He had planned to completely slaughter the Marathas through a sudden counterattack. Khan’s army was multiple times bigger than the Maratha army.

To be continued…

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